wanna sing with a live band?
aint nobody here but us chickens
always something there to remind me
billy jean
do it again
don't open the door to strangers
hit me with your best shot
honky tonk woman
I wish I knew how it feels to be free
i wish it would rain down on me
if you leave me
is she really going out with him
is you is or is you aint my baby
..... and audio in F
... and audio in C
keep on rockin' in the free world
let it go
let's stick together
light my fire
look at miss ohio
mad world
mama he treats your daughter mean
...and audio in D
my canary has circles
...... and audio
see see rider
still havent found what I'm looking for
stop your fussin
stormy monday
..... and audio in Dm
take me to the river
tennessee boardwalk
the rhythm of the rain
these boots were made for walking
they wont let my gfriend talk 2 me
this must be the place (naiive melody)
to her door
what i like about you
white flag
who can it be now
you are the sunshine of my life
..... and audio in C
you're just to good to be true